Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Drama Camp

It was Aladin this year. Halle was the Sultan and Kali the Genie.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Miles Ankle Injury

Miles cut his ankle to the bone yesterday while playing at mom's office with Luke. They were playing the high low game where one is on top of a round gymnastics thingy and the other pushes below. Luke pushed a little hard and Miles ended up falling off and hitting his ankle on the edge of a marble window sill.

Dr. Mike Kiehn performed surgery, irrigating the wound and checking for further damage. All went well and Miles is on his way to recovery (2-3 weeks). Miles said he actually had a good time because he saw Dr. Mike and was able to meet several other "nice" doctors.

Tammy and I were telling him who all was asking about him and praying for him last night at dinner and as I looked over at him his eyes were welled up with tears. He was amazed that many people actually cared so much for him.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Luke's 6th Birthday

Luke turned 6 yesterday and has officially changed his name to Indiana Jones, or he said we could call him Indy for short.